
YK11 Before and After

If you are to analyze a few examples of YK11 before and after results, you are going to notice some awesome transformations. This means that you are able to completely change your body for the better. Moreover, you can do it fast. YK11 is such a powerful compound that it can turn you into a “beast” really fast. At least, that’s what it seems like when checking the YK11 before and after pictures. In this article, you’re going to find out what those pics have to say.

I am going to share here some amazing YK-11 body transformations with pictures. But it’s important to understand that for achieving similar results, it’s not enough to just use YK-11. These are people like you who had awesome results, but they worked hard for achieving their goals.

YK-11 and other products can be great at boosting the efficacy of working out and dieting with enough rest and sleep. But without these main factors that help achieve your dream body, you can’t achieve anything. People can achieve such awesome results because YK11 is very powerful. But I have to warn you that because of its potency, it’s also likely to cause side effects.

  • Thus, I recommend learning as much as possible about this compound before you actually get to use it.

Check short info about it below:

YK 11 Summary

yk11-5mgYK11 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) and to be more specific, it is a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a type of protein that is responsible for stopping muscle growth. And YK-11 is a SARM that inhibits Myostatin. I guess you got the idea why it is so amazing at bodybuilding for gaining lots of muscle mass.

This is a very powerful compound, many call it a hybrid between SARMs and anabolic steroids. Unlike steroids, it will not affect other organs in the body. It is selectively targeting androgen receptors. That’s why it’s not a steroid and remains a SARM. But it is such a potent muscle builder and strengthener that people who use it compare it to the potency of steroids.

You can find various helpful (and important) information about YK-11 throughout our site and blog posts. Also, click on the link for more information and for its availability.



My YK11 Results

Before I share those YK11 Before and After results from real people with you, I am going to share what my YK11 results were.

It’s important to note that YK-11 has no testing on human subjects. Nonetheless, a lot of people were impatient to give it a try (since it’s a potent myostatin inhibitor). That’s why a lot of reports appeared online. So, to be honest, I was among those impatient ones and gave it a try too. To be honest, I am glad I did because YK-11 has served me very well. I can recommend this product to people with experience. Nonetheless, I recommend it to those bodybuilders who have previous experience with other SARMS (like MK2866) and want to gain muscle mass quickly and efficiently. This stuff may turn out to be too powerful for beginners.

  • So, my cycle was 8 weeks YK11 cycle alone. 10 mg/day throughout the entire cycle. I was feeling suppression kicking in toward the end of the cycle so I had a PCT plan with 50 mg/day of Clomid for 2 weeks and then 25 mg/day for 2 more weeks. PCT for SARMs was 4 weeks in total.

This is a safe way to run YK-11. 10 mg/day for 8 weeks and then followed by a PCT plan. Check the results I experienced below:

Muscle Mass

I gained a total of about 12-16 pounds of muscle during the 8-week cycle of YK11. This means that I was gaining about 1-2 pounds of lean muscle almost weekly. This stuff is so powerful that it can make huge mirror changes weekly! How do I know it was muscle? Because I also lost fat but my overall weight increased!


I experienced an almost immediate increase in strength levels after starting my YK-11 cycle. And the increase in strength was very noticeable. I also noticed a much bigger pump. But what really matters is that I could break my personal records. I was getting addicted to lifting weights. And I was able to lift more and more during almost every single workout.

Energy Increase

It’s not just the strength, but energy, stamina, and endurance also went through the roof. I was able to keep on lifting and I was ready to keep on going. The huge energy boost that made me go on and on. I just couldn’t stand still from all that energy. This greatly helped me take my workouts to the next level in the gym. There were times when I was working out for 2 hours (intensively) and I couldn’t believe I was still able to go on.


After a while of being in my YK-11 cycle, I notice that my libido starts getting higher and higher. Never satisfied. I was ready to do it with my girlfriend multiple times a day whereas it was enough only once every few days before starting the cycle. There were some moments when I just couldn’t leave the house without being satisfied. I was just full of vital energy and juices.

Fat Loss

My total body fat decreased by about 5-6% or so. That’s when my total weight increased. It is due to the fact that I could lose fat and gain muscle concomitantly. Of course, I was working really hard in the gym and I was eating very clean (around maintenance calories). I have noticed that YK11 is actually great at shedding fat too, not just adding muscle. What’s more important – it helped me get rid of the fat around the abdomen. That was my problematic area.


Side Effects

I only experienced some headaches (but that’s my personal problem, I often experience headaches even when I’m not on a cycle). I am not sure if I can attribute it to YK11. Anyway, the headaches quickly went away after a few days.

The only thing that I can mention is the suppression. I noticed that my libido, energy, strength, and overall “great mental well-being” start decreasing toward the end of the cycle. That’s how I realized that I am suppressed and I need to stop the cycle. I wasn’t even planning to run it for longer than 8 weeks anyway. The PCT plan helped me stay away from low testosterone symptoms so I was all good.


YK11 Before and After Results

So, I promised that I am going to share some YK-11 before and after results with pictures. If you are among those who have experience with YK11 and also want to share your results and pictures with us, do not hesitate in contacting us.

Moreover, before you actually use YK-11, I need to warn you that this is powerful stuff. You should learn how to correctly use it and you should also prepare a PCT plan after each cycle. YK11 is just too powerful for you to stop the cycle without a PCT. It can lead to hormonal imbalances that will affect you both physically and mentally. If you’re unsure how to PCT, we can help you with that too.

So, let’s get started.

First YK-11 Before and After Result


It may be hard to believe but this is what a single 8-week cycle with YK11 may do. As you can see, this guy had awesome results with a visible six pack, broader shoulders and bigger biceps. No need to mention that he managed to lose a lot of body fat too. He has much more defined muscles, with a bit of vascularity.

Overall, this is a perfect example of what YK-11 can help you with. Except for visual changes, he also said that his performance in the gym got way better. His strength greatly increased and was able to do way more cardio and way more intensively. Pretty similar to the effects I got: lean muscle growth, fat loss, more energy, stamina, and endurance. Perhaps his libido increased as well, but we would never find it out.

  • Moreover, this guy said he has the same cycle as I did: 8 weeks with YK-11 alone at 10 mg per day with the same PCT: 50 mg/day of Clomid for the first 2 weeks and then 25mg/day of Clomid for 2 more weeks.

Exactly like me, he managed to retain all of his muscles with the help of PCT. As in terms of side effects, he reported none. He also reported side effects, but only after the cycle stopped and started Clomid so he linked it with Clomid. It’s also very important to mention that he worked hard throughout the entire 12 weeks (8 weeks cycle + 4 weeks PCT) with a good diet!

Second YK-11 Before and After Result


It seems that this guy had an even more impressive result as he managed to get absolutely ripped in just one cycle. I honestly think that his abdominal area and arms underwent huge transformations. In my opinion, such results are simply mesmerizing.

While it may seem that this guy lost weight, he actually reported an increase in body weight. That’s because of the huge amount of muscle mass he managed to gain. Thanks to less fat and more muscles (check the differences between how one pound of fat looks vs one pound of lean muscle online) he looks as if he lost weight, but he actually gained. What he did lose is body fat percentage. Therefore he managed to increase fat-free mass and managed to look way better.

  • Then again, during a single 8-week cycle of YK-11 alone. These are insane results. Nonetheless, it’s important to mention that he also used higher doses throughout his cycle. He reported using 20 mg a day for the entire 8 weeks. For this reason, he had to go through a longer PCT plan. 6 weeks PCT with the first 2 weeks 50 mg/day of Clomid and the last 4 weeks 25 mg/day.

It’s pretty obvious that such results wouldn’t be achieved without a workout and an awesome diet plan. He said that he noticed some mental side effects such as increased aggression and of course suppression. The suppression rate was pretty bad, that’s why he had to go through a 6 weeks PCT plan after the cycle.

Third YK-11 Before and After Result


This is perhaps the best transformation I’ve ever seen with YK11. But it’s important to mention that this is likely due to a combination of factors:

  1. First, it seems like this guy is simply genetically gifted
  2. He also used a higher dosage than I would recommend to beginners (20 mg/day)
  3. He also combined it with MK677 (Ibutamoren) the HGH secretagogue
  4. Obviously working out hard (5 times a week) with a very clean diet

But it doesn’t matter if you love YK-11 or not, we just can’t disagree – this is just a mind-blowing transformation that this person went through.

Usually, people are either skinny or getting a bit more muscular. Either are chubby and are losing a bit of fat. But this guy managed to lose lots of fat and get way muscular. I am not sure what body part changed the best. There’s just no point in talking about the specific parts of his body. They all went through an excellent transformation. So, these are insane results. But if you want anything similar, you need to make sure you work hard, put in there time and dedication as well as can tolerate the possible side effects of these compounds he used.

His cycle was:

  • Week 1-8: YK11 in 20 mg per day with 2 more weeks MK 677 25 mg/day (total 10 weeks). Nonetheless, from week 8 to week 12 he started his PCT plan with Clomid 50 mg/day and then 25 mg/day for the first and last 2 weeks, respectively.

Remember you can use MK677 during PCT because it is not suppressive to testosterone. In fact, you may use MK677 for PCT. It may help boost the natural production of testosterone. This may be the answer to why he didn’t need a harsher PCT plan with Clomid.

Tips To Get The Best YK11 Results

In order to get the best YK11 results I would recommend you to follow a few tips I will share here. They will make sure that you run both a safe and effective YK-11 cycle. You will need to:

  • Perform a hepatic panel before and after your cycle. That’s because YK-11 may pose a slight level of liver toxicity. Use liver support to offset liver toxicity.
  • Perform a blood test before and after your cycle. That’s because YK-11 may cause hormonal imbalances. Go for a PCT plan to offset the hormonal imbalance.
  • Start with a low dosage (5 mg or a maximum of 10 mg a day). Only increase if you’re sure you can do it and your body will tolerate it.
  • Do not go for cycle lengths over 8 weeks. It may reduce efficacy after longer periods. But worse, it may cause even more side effects.
  • Definitely stick to your diet and exercise routine. No need to mention the importance of the basic 3 in bodybuilding: sleep, diet, and workout.
  • Buy the best quality YK11. Poor quality and bunk stuff will not only be less (if any) effective. It will also cause more side effects too.


As you can see, the YK11 before and after results I shared here are just awesome. The results these guys achieved are mesmerizing. If you want to achieve anything similar you need to follow my tips and take your cycle seriously. I’m certain that all these guys did exactly that to achieve such awesome results.

Although YK-11 lacks scientific research on humans, there are a lot of anecdotal reports suggesting that this compound is just amazing. Make sure you can buy the best quality YK11 SARM for the cheapest prices on the market directly from SARMS.to.



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