What is RAD-140?

RAD-140 is the development code of the research drug classified as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). This research product is under development for the treatment of hormone-sensitive breast cancer as well as other uses such as the treatment of sarcopenia, osteoporosis, weight loss due to cancer, and other uses. It got very popular in bodybuilding settings among athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, and other sportsmen. Another code name is EP0062, popular as Vosilosarm, Testalone, or most popularly – Testolone (RAD-140). RAD140 is an SARM that promotes anabolic effects on bones and muscles through binding to androgen receptors in a similar way to anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS) like testosterone. However, it selectively binds to androgen receptors, particularly in muscles and bones.

What does RAD 140 do?

RAD-140 (Testolone) is a nonsteroidal Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that will enhance the anabolic effects on bones and muscles thanks to its ability to bind to the androgen receptors, enhancing their activity. As a result of producing anabolic effects within skeletal muscle, it can effectively help gain lean muscle mass, and strength, providing higher energy levels, more endurance, stamina, and so on. RAD140 may also help burn excess body fat as a result of enhancing metabolic activity (metabolism). That’s why this SARM may be effective for the treatment of hormone sensitive breast cancer, sarcopenia, osteoporosis, weight loss due to cancer, and others. It also explains why Testolone is so highly effective for physique and performance enhancement purposes.

Is RAD-140 safe?

Yes, RAD-140 (Testolone) is a pretty safe SARM when used correctly and avoiding abuse. Nonetheless, this compound may become unsafe if abused or if used too long without a break. In such cases, Testolone may suppress natural testosterone production, induce liver toxicity, and negatively affect your cholesterol values (therefore cardiovascular health). Still, most people using this compound suggest that it is safe to use as long as it is used carefully and correctly. It may be unsafe in case of abuse, or used by people with particular health issues, hypersensitivity, or allergic reactions. But when used by healthy adults correctly, RAD140 (Testolone) remains pretty safe for most people using it.

Does RAD-140 increase testosterone?

No, RAD140 will not directly increase testosterone levels, however, it still manages to enhance muscle growth, strength gains, and fat loss in a similar way to testosterone. It directly binds to androgen receptors and that’s why it works in a similar way, without increasing testosterone. In fact, RAD140 is a SARM and a pretty powerful one. SARMs have the potency to actually reduce endogenous testosterone levels (natural testosterone production). This is the reason why it is strongly recommended to follow a PCT plan after each RAD-140 cycle so you can bring natural testosterone levels.

Where to buy RAD-140?

SARMS.to offers the best quality RAD-140 for sale at the highest quality, purity, and potency you can find on the market! Buy RAD-140 (Testolone) online from SARMS.to and you make sure to buy the highest quality compound that will deliver fast gains in terms of lean muscle and strength, optimizing body fat, and enhancing body recomposition with an overall enhancement in performance.

How to take RAD-140?

While you can take RAD-140 in different forms (such as injections, sublingually, or other forms), the most popular is orally in the form of pills (tablets), swallowing them with enough water. You take RAD140 with or without food. Most people say that it works well without food, however, if you experience stomach pains, you can take it after a light meal. It is extremely important to remember that consistency in timing is extremely important when you take Testolone. This means that you need to maintain stable levels of this drug in your bloodstream for optimal results. To do so, you need to take it every day and take it at the same time each day. Take this drug carefully as it has the potential to cause side effects. Better start with a low dosage and then gradually increase. Dosage varies depending on goals, response, and experience.

Does RAD-140 burn fat?

Yes, RAD-140 does assist the fat burning processes. While this is not a fat burner compound, Testolone does help burn excess body fat during a proper diet. That’s why this compound is often used by a lot of athletes and bodybuilders during their cutting cycles. It won’t only help burn fat, but also protect lean muscle tissues during low-calorie diets, making it even more attractive for cutting. Despite the fact that it helps a lot in gaining muscle and strength for bulking cycles. So, people can use Testolone in both bulking and cutting, as it is great for body recomposition. It has the potential to promote fat loss by increasing metabolic rate and may improve insulin sensitivity. This can help reduce body fat percentage in cutting cycles or help reduce the amount of fat you gain in bulking cycles, in both cases improving body composition and achieving a leaner physique.

When to take RAD-140 and MK677?

Many people stack RAD-140 (Testolone) with MK677 (Ibutamoren) as they work in synergy together, providing enhanced effects for physique and performance enhancement purposes. They both can be used for bulking or cutting cycles, depending on your goals, diet, training regimen, and other factors. Both are awesome compounds when it comes to performance boosting effects and body recomposition, used for a period of about 8 weeks. Those who stack these compounds tend to use RAD140 first thing in the morning and MK677 right before going to bed, usually, both on an empty stomach, both once a day. The dosages of each compound vary depending on the goals, experience, and personal response to each of them.

Is RAD-140 a steroid?

No, RAD-140 is not a steroid. Testolone is a nonsteroidal Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that will promote anabolic effects on bones and muscles in a similar way to the traditional anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS). Nonetheless, it is not an anabolic steroid itself. It promotes those anabolic effects by selectively binding to androgen receptors.

When to take RAD-140?

Most people take RAD-140 first thing in the morning upon waking up. They believe that it will help them provide the energy, stamina, and strength boost necessary to go through the day. Still, others believe that it is best to take RAD140 (Testolone) 30 to 60 minutes before your training (for some people, it coincides with taking it right upon waking up). Which one is better is up to you and your personal response, although it may not make a big difference. What really matters is consistency in timing. That’s way more important than when exactly you take RAD-140. Consistency in timing means that you should take it at the same time each day. This is what brings more results. You can take it with or without food, orally. Dosage will vary depending mainly on your goals, personal response, and experience.

Where to buy RAD 140 near me?

You can buy RAD140 near you from SARMS.to. We work with multiple manufacturers all around the world, meaning that you will likely find a brand close to you selling RAD-140 of the highest quality, potency, and purity. Save money and buy Testolone from SARMS.to ensuring fast delivery, optimal prices, and best quality products.

Does RAD-140 increase libido?

Yes, RAD-140 (Testolone) may boost a user’s libido. Studies indicate that SARMs such as Testolone could improve the safety profile for both sexes with fewer side effects, enhancing sexual preferences and libido. The same thing is reported by people who already used RAD-140, suggesting their libido increases during the cycle. Nonetheless, it is important to remember that longer cycles and/or higher doses may lower natural testosterone production, and this could decrease libido. If you notice a decrease in libido, it may be a sign of low T levels, which could indicate that you take too large a dosage and/or too long a cycle length. This may indicate that you may need a PCT.

How does RAD 140 work?

RAD-140 (Testolone) works by binding to androgen receptors in the body. It binds to androgen receptors (AR) and activates their activity. It mostly binds to androgen receptors in muscles and bones. This way, it promotes anabolic effects on muscles and bones.


What to stack with RAD-140?

There are different products that people stack with RAD-140 depending on their goals and preferences. Nonetheless, some of the most famous stacks include LGD-4033 (Ligandrol), MK-677 (Ibutamoren), MK-2866 (Ostarine), and/or GW-501516 (Cardarine).

How long does RAD-140 stay in your system?

According to pharmacokinetics studies and Phase 1 clinical trials, RAD140 (Testolone) has a really long half-life (for an orally active compound) of 44 hours. It is also rapidly absorbed and completely bioavailable. This means that RAD-140 will stay active in your system for less than 88 hours. Still, it requires multiple half-lives to fully flush out of the system. Therefore, studies suggest that it will stay in the system for about 10-14 days. This is the period in which the last urine sample of Testolone was still perfectly detectable. I would recommend staying away from this SARM for longer if you’re about to have an anti-doping test.

What does RAD-140 do to your body?

RAD140 (Testolone) will bind to the androgen receptors in muscles and bones activating their activity. This will promote the anabolic environment in the body, enhancing red blood cell count, protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, metabolic rate, and others. Therefore, it boosts performance (strength, energy, stamina, and endurance boost) while also enhancing body recomposition (helps burn fat and gain lean muscle tissues).

Where to get RAD-140?

You can easily get RAD-140 for sale directly from SARMS.to for the highest quality and attractive prices.

Can women take RAD-140?

Yes, women can take RAD140 (Testolone). Studies (and anecdotal reports) suggest that women can safely use RAD-140 as it has a good safety profile when used carefully. This compound will help them increase lean muscle mass, support fat loss, and improve strength without causing nasty virilizing side effects as much as anabolic steroids can. While such issues are not to be excluded, they are significantly less likely to occur.

Does RAD-140 cause gyno?

No, RAD140 will not cause gyno because it will not affect estrogen. This product will not increase estrogen levels as it cannot convert into it via aromatization. A few people, however, suggest they experience gyno from the use of Testolone. It may be due to the fact that it suppresses endogenous testosterone, leading to hormonal imbalances (higher estrogen than testosterone), which could lead to gynecomastia. This usually happens in highly sensitive individuals using RAD140 in higher dosages and/or for too long periods (leading to serious testosterone suppression).

Does RAD-140 work?

Yes, Testolone is a SARM that does really work very efficiently. There are many studies proving its high efficacy in terms of increased lean muscle mass and strength. User reports suggest the same thing. Therefore, RAD-140 does work with high efficiency.

How long does it take for RAD 140 to work?

According to user reports (anecdotal reports), the noticeable benefits of RAD-140 start to appear within 2 to 4 weeks in the cycle. Therefore, it takes 2 to 4 weeks for RAD140 to work. While it starts working way sooner, 2 to 4 weeks of starting its use is necessary to see real results. The exact timeframe can vary depending on individual factors such as dosage, personal response, overall health, diet, exercise program, and so on.

Is RAD140 illegal?

No, RAD-140 (Testolone) is a SARM that is perfectly legal to purchase, sell, possess, and use for research purposes. Still, it is not approved for human consumption in most countries, including the United States, but a lot of people still use it with high success rates. This product is banned in the use of professional sports by most major anti-doping agencies such as WADA, USADA, and others.

Is RAD140 bad for your liver?

RAD140 is a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) that is associated with drug induced liver injury (DILI) in some case reports available in studies and by user reports. While the liver toxicity doesn’t seem to be bad, it may still increase liver enzymes which could lead to liver damage.

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