Safest, Best Cutting And Bulking Dosage of RAD140
In this article, I am going to share a lot of valuable information about the best RAD 140 dosage. I am going to share everything about the RAD 140 dosage that you may need. I will go over:
- Safest RAD 140 dosage
- Best bulking RAD140 dosage
- Best cutting RAD140 dosage
- Testolone dosages that were used in human trials
In short, the recommended RAD 140 dosage for physique and performance enhancement purposes is ranging between 10 mg and 30 mg a day. While some people attempt higher dosages, it’s important to understand that this increases the risks of side effects. Additionally, you may attempt higher dosages only if you have a lot of previous experience with it. But generally, I wouldn’t recommend exceeding 30 mg per day.
So well, here I am going to share more valuable information about how to use RAD 140 correctly for a bulking cycle or for a cutting cycle. Will share this information while keeping in mind the risks of side effects, allowing you to avoid them.
But before we do that, we should start off by sharing more valuable information about RAD 140. We will also share information about its half-life because it is very important. Will talk about the human study performed on this SARM and then share the best Testolone dosage itself.
RAD 140 – Testolone Summary
RAD140, popular as Testolone, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It is popular because of its very favorable anabolic to androgenic ratio of 90:1. Therefore, this SARM is likely to be highly effective when talking about physique and performance enhancement, but without nasty risks of side effects.
It was even proven by clinical studies on rats. The results were proving that rats were receiving a vast increase in strength as well as muscle mass. They also got a decrease in body fat too. Therefore, it’s no wonder that this compound is extremely popular in fitness circles.
RAD-140 is often compared with LGD-4033 (Ligandrol). That’s because both of these compounds are SARMs that are offering similar effects on the body. Moreover, RAD140 is having a very high bioavailability. Because of its potency and high bioavailability, the product is highly effective even when you use it in low dosages. People report great results when using Testolone in a dosage of 5 mg a day, or even lower than that! Might check more information about RAD140 vs LGD4033 here.
Additionally, might check more valuable information about Testolone (RAD140) by clicking on the link here. You’re also going to be able to buy RAD 140 for sale of the highest quality and best prices there.
RAD 140 Half-Life
There’s just one clinical study on RAD 140 involving humans. According to that study, the half-life of RAD140 is really long. It shows to be around 60 hours! However, whether RAD 140 has a half life of 60 hours is still questionable because the dosages used in that study were huge.
The study was done on sixteen postmenopausal women with breast cancer and they were given dosages anywhere between 50 mg to 150 mg a day. Considering that you are only going to use around 10-20 mg/day, the half-life could be somewhat different!
In whichever case, we can say with certainty (both due to the study done and due to anecdotal experiences), that using it just once a day is more than enough. Anecdotal experiences indicate that administering Testolone, once a day, around the same time of the day, every day, is the best way to maximize the effectiveness of this compound.
RAD140 Dosage in Human Trials
I have already mentioned here that there was only one study involving RAD 140 in humans. The studies on rats indicate that the product is capable of helping you gain muscle mass and size while decreasing fat. The same was seen in the human tests where all subjects were postmenopausal women with breast cancer. And as I already said – the dosages were extremely high. Despite those huge dosages, women were tolerating this product fairly well. We’re talking about RAD 140 dosage of up to 100 mg a day. This is the maximum dosage that women were tolerating fairly well.
The study was performed on women suffering from breast cancer because RAD 140 (Testolone) seems to have some anti-cancerous properties. But more studies are required in order to indicate the true potential of this SARM in terms of anti-cancer abilities.
Anyway, do not forget that Testolone is a suppressive SARM. This means that if the same experiment would be on men, involving the same dosages, there’s a high risk of testosterone suppression. Low testosterone levels, as we all know, are very likely to cause some pretty nasty symptoms in men.
The study doesn’t indicate how to use RAD 140 for the best results. It doesn’t determine the best RAD140 dosage either. Nonetheless, it’s proving that RAD-140 can be fairly safe even when you use it in high dosages. Although I still strongly recommend against it.
Best RAD 140 Bulking Dosage
Many people tend to stack multiple compounds together in order to yield amazing benefits for growing muscle mass and gaining strength. While you can do it with Testolone, there’s no real need to do so. There’s no need to stack RAD 140 with other products because it is strong enough on its own. It will be enough to provide amazing gains as long as you keep your diet on point and stick to your exercise routines.
Nevertheless, it’s pretty obvious that by adding some other compounds to a Testolone cycle, you’re going to get an even more advanced cycle leading to even more results.
Testolone (RAD140) is a SARM that people often associate with dry gains. Therefore, bulking up on this SARM will offer you lean muscle growth without the puffy look. Anecdotal experiences suggest that you can gain about 10 lbs of muscle mass from a single cycle with a very high probability of breaking your personal lifting records throughout the cycle.
- Here’s an example of bulking cycle with RAD140:
15 mg a day for 8 weeks. Then, after you stop running RAD-140, start a PCT plan. Usually, it lasts 4 weeks. It can be 50 mg/day of Clomid for the first 2 weeks and then 25 mg/day for the last two. Or Nolvadex 40 mg/day for the first two weeks and then 20 mg/day for the last two. It’s important to start a PCT to fight off natural testosterone suppression.
Suppression will occur at 15 mg a day of RAD140, but it is a good enough dosage to help you bulk efficiently!
Best RAD-140 Cutting Dosage
RAD 140, considering it is not going to cause a puffy muscle look, is going to be amazing for cutting cycles too. It helps maintain the hard earned lean muscle tissues and helps you lose a lot of body fat too. The difference is that usually you need a lower dosage of RAD140 for cutting cycles and it is still going to be highly effective.
As you may already know, the difference between bulking and cutting is the types of exercises and calories that you consume during these plans.
Therefore, while you change the bulking cycle plan in terms of diet and workout plan (exercises), you lower the dosage of RAD140 to 10 mg/day. It is going to be enough to offer you amazing results for your cutting cycle plan. Will greatly enhance the efficacy of fat burning effects and will maintain your hard earned lean muscle tissues.
Cycle length is still 8 weeks and you still need Clomid or Nolvadex as a PCT plan for 4 weeks in the earlier mentioned dosages to avoid suppression. Remember though, you can change the PCT plan (cycle length and dosages) depending on how you respond to it. For example, you may use the higher doses of PCT meds for only one week, instead of two, since you run Testolone at a lower dosage.
No PCT RAD140 Dosage
A lot of people think that you can run a RAD140 cycle without the following PCT plan. I generally do not recommend such a thing because RAD 140 (Testolone) is powerful enough to suppress your natural testosterone production even at a lower dosage. No need to mention that the higher the RAD140 dosage, the worse the suppression.
Some, however, suggest that by lowering the RAD140 dosage to an acceptable degree, you could get great benefits and might avoid the negatives of testosterone suppression. Therefore, they may get some effective cycles without running a PCT after the cycle ends. You may check more information about RAD140 PCT here. I’m pretty sure you’re going to find it helpful.
Anyway, when talking about the No PCT RAD140 dosage, we’re talking about the same dosage for both bulking and cutting cycles. What you should change is your diet and workout regimen. Moreover, remember that it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t need a PCT plan. It’s just having higher chances that you might not need a PCT plan.
So, we’re talking about RAD 140 dosage of 5 mg/day for a period of 8 weeks for both cycles. But if you want to lower the chances of requiring a PCT plan, you may only use 5 mg/day for 6 weeks. With this dosage, it is going to diminish a bit the effectiveness of RAD 140, yet it’s still likely to be helpful for both bulking and cutting cycles. You can gain some lean muscle tissues and strength and/or you could burn some body fat.
- After this dosage, there’s a chance you won’t need a PCT with medications like Nolvadex or Clomid. You still need a PCT but with natural compounds. Yet, if you find them not enough, do add actual PCT meds.
Of course, if you add other suppressive compounds or use it in higher dosages you are almost sure to need a PCT plan.
Safest RAD 140 Dosage
As you can guess, the lower the dosage of Testolone is, the safer it is. Therefore, I think that 5 mg a day is actually the safest RAD 140 dosage. It is still likely to help you with some gains, yet there’s a chance you won’t need a PCT and it’s surely a dosage low enough to make you avoid nasty side effects.
For example, some people notice they are suffering from an increase in aggression including other side effects. So, with 5 mg/day of RAD-140, you may avoid too nasty suppression and also avoid other side effects too. That’s an extra bonus.
I personally used 5 mg/day of RAD 140 and I could avoid side effects at all. The only negatives I was experiencing were a decrease in natural testosterone levels and some irritability. But I did manage to lose some fat and add some lean muscle tissues during that cycle.
What RAD-140 Dosage Should I Use?
The best RAD 140 dosage for you greatly depends on various factors. Mainly it depends on your level of experience with this compound, goals, and body weight.
For example, a large man with good amounts of muscle mass who is searching for further bulking cycles and already had a good experience level with Testolone may go for 30 mg/day. On the other hand, this is a huge dosage for a beginner who is searching for a cutting cycle, for example, for which he may need only 5 mg/day.
Therefore, if I would like to recommend the best RAD-140 dosage, please beware of how you respond to it. If it’s the first time you use RAD-140, I recommend starting with 5 mg/day and seeing how your body deals with this SARM. I wouldn’t recommend beginners (first timers) to start with a dosage any higher than 10 mg/day. Remember that there are people who have hyper reactions or allergies or may require a PCT plan even after using 5 mg a day. They may experience various side effects on this compound even at lower dosages. It proves that we’re all different with different responses to the same compound.
If you’re a first timer – go for 5 mg/day. Never higher than 10 mg/day. If you’re searching for cutting cycles 5-10 mg/day is just enough. Rarely someone needs dosages of 15 mg/day. Doses of 15 mg/day are enough for offering amazing results for a bulking cycle. Of course, as long as you’re following proper dieting and exercising plan.
Doses over 15 mg/day of up to a maximum of 30 mg/day are only good for large males searching for serious bulking cycles who have experience with this SARM. But anything higher is likely to increase the risks of side effects and I wouldn’t recommend it.
Overall, RAD 140 (Testolone) is truly an amazing SARM. It’s a shame that there are no more human studies done on it so far. RAD140 performs amazingly when talking about lean muscle mass growth and strength gains.
RAD-140 dosage of 10-15 mg/day seems to be the sweet spot for most people. It will yield amazing results and it’s not high enough to cause nasty side effects. The safest dosage though is 5 mg/day. Although some people use it in dosages as high as 20-30 mg/day.
The most common RAD 140 cycle length is 8 weeks, although you could use it for only 6 weeks. It will perfectly perform on its own, but if you want an even more advanced cycle, you may attempt stacking it with other compounds.
Lastly, if you want to yield the best results out of your Testolone dosage, you have to follow a good diet and workout plan. Moreover, you need to get the best quality RAD 140. Make sure you buy RAD-140 for sale from for ensuring maximum quality SARMs. May also save money too!