MK2866 FAQ

What is MK2866?

MK2866 is a type of drug called a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It is not approved by the FDA just yet, as it is a research product. MK-2866 is also popular as Enobosarm, GTx-024, S-22, or especially Ostarine. Currently, MK2866 (Ostarine) is under development for the treatment of androgen receptor-positive breast cancer in women, improvement in body composition (such as prevention of muscle loss), as well as other indications such as treatment of cachexia, muscle atrophy, stress urinary incontinence, and others. It is still a research compound with no medical uses, however, it is already very popular in bodybuilding and athletic circles for its ability to help gain muscle and strength as well as burn fat, improving lean body mass. This is an oral drug that is legal to buy, sell, possess, and use for research purposes.

How much MK2866 should I take?

The recommended dosage of MK-2866 according to anecdotal reports ranges between 10 mg and 30 mg per day. Cycle length is usually 8 weeks. Rarely up to 12 weeks, but shouldn’t get over that due to the higher risks of side effects. It is important to start with a lower dosage such as 10 mg per day and gradually increase the dosage to minimize the possible side effects. Also, it is best to split the daily dosage into two parts per day, taking one part in the morning and the other part in the evening to maintain stable levels in blood. However, due to its rather long half life (of about 24 hours), using it once a day, every day, at the same time of the day can still work fine. Have a break in between cycles of at least 4-6 weeks.

What does MK2866 do?

MK2866 (Ostarine) will selectively bind to androgen receptors in the body, working as an agonist (increasing their activity). That’s why it is a SARM. It binds to androgen receptors in muscles, increasing protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, red blood cells, and so on. As a result, the use of MK2866 will increase lean muscle mass and help burn fat, alongside improvement in physical performance such as faster recovery, better endurance, higher strength levels, and so on. In short, MK-2866 is doing a great job for physique and performance enhancement. It can significantly help with body recomposition (less fat and lean muscle) as well as performance (better strength, endurance, stamina, recovery, and so on).

Is MK2866 safe?

MK-2866 is a safe product to use according to numerous tests and anecdotal reports. Of course, MK2866 (Ostarine) may cause side effects if not used properly, if abused, or if used by people with hypersensitivity, allergic reactions, or some specific pre-existing health conditions. Proper use of MK2866 by healthy adults seems to be very safe. Some side effects that you may experience include negative effects on cholesterol values, liver enzymes, and natural testosterone levels. The result of affecting these could lead to various symptoms. But since Ostarine won’t affect them too much (especially with proper use), it will remain safe for most people.

Where to buy MK2866?

You can buy MK2866 from, making sure you get the best quality MK-2866 for sale online. Buy Ostarine for sale from our site and we guarantee the best quality SARM for an attractive price. Not only that, but we can offer numerous other compounds that you may need, such as other SARMS, their ancillaries, and so on. Doing business with us guarantees only the best quality products for the best prices, friendly customer support, fast delivery, deals and discounts, and numerous other advantages. So, buy MK2866 from for sale today and we guarantee you will love it!

Can MK2866 make your heart rate go up?

MK2866 is an extremely popular SARM that is thought to be pretty safe for most people. Nonetheless, it may still affect your cholesterol and heart, increasing blood pressure and heart rate. While it is very rare for Ostarine (MK-2866) to increase heart rate and blood pressure, some people can still experience it. Some people may experience higher heart rates due to other factors, however, such as anxiety and others. Still, we can’t exclude the fact that Ostarine (MK2866) may make your heart rate go up.

Can you run MK2866 with MK677?

Yes, you can run MK2866 with MK677. In fact, by combining these two compounds, you’re likely going to experience multiple benefits in your fitness journey as these compounds work in a potent synergy together. This duo works in two different ways, offering dynamic benefits when it comes to accelerating your muscle growth, boosting strength levels, enhancing fat loss, accelerating recovery, and supercharging your endurance. Still, remember that these two compounds are likely to cause side effects too. That’s why it is better to use each of them separately first before you stack them together. MK2866 (Ostarine) is a SARM with particular benefits and side effects, while MK677 (Ibutamoren) is not a SARM, but still has its own benefits and side effects.

Do you inject MK2866?

While you can inject MK2866 intramuscularly (if you find liquid MK-2866 – Ostarine), I strongly recommend sticking to oral MK-2866 as tablets that you swallow. Injection Ostarine (MK-2866) will have no advantages over pills, and they are likely going to cause injection site issues. Not to mention that it is hard to find injectable Ostarine, which is just not worth it. Even if you find liquid Ostarine (MK2866), you still swallow it (or place it under the tongue).

Does GNC carry MK2866?

No, GNC does not carry MK2866 because this is a research drug and GNC cannot sell a drug that is not FDA approved for human use. Instead, you can buy MK2866 for sale of the best quality and highest purity directly from as we specialize in selling research products such as SARMs of the best quality from the best manufacturers!

Does MK2866 cause gyno?

MK2866 (Ostarine) is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that is unable to convert into estrogen. Without increasing estrogen levels, Ostarine will not cause gynecomastia (gyno) in men using it. It may come with other side effects, but high estrogen symptoms (such as gyno) are not among them.

Is Ostarine MK2866 like a steroid?

Ostarine MK-2866 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that works in a similar way to anabolic steroids by binding to androgen receptors. However, it does so selectively, mostly on androgen receptors in muscles. Moreover, it does not convert into estrogen and has numerous other differences. Having this said, Ostarine is not an anabolic steroid, although it may provide similar benefits to steroids. Instead, it is not causing the popular anabolic steroids’ side effects associated with the androgenic part, estrogenic part, and so on.

Is Ostarine MK-2866 illegal?

Ostarine (MK-2866) is perfectly legal to purchase, sell, possess, and use for research purposes. It is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as well as the NCAA and USADA due to its ability to provide great advantages for physique and performance enhancement purposes. So, it is banned for use in professional sports. Still, lots of professional sportsmen such as Ryan Garcia and Jon Jones tested positive for this compound.

Is Ostarine MK2866 bad for testosterone?

Research indicates that SARMS such as Ostarine (MK2866) have fewer androgenic properties, which means that they have less influence on the development and balance of male hormones such as testosterone. Nevertheless, it may still lower natural testosterone production, especially if used in higher dosages and/or for longer cycles. While not everyone may need it, some people may need a PCT plan after an MK2866 cycle.

Does Ostarine MK2866 damage liver?

Ostarine MK2866 is not really liver toxic, nonetheless, it can still increase liver enzymes. This means that we can’t exclude liver toxicity with the use of MK2866. The good news is that Ostarine seems to damage the liver if used in higher dosages and/or for long cycle lengths. Proper use of Ostarine is highly unlikely to cause any liver damage (maybe just a bit of liver enzyme increase).

Is Ostarine MK2866 safe to take?

Yes, numerous studies and anecdotal reports suggest that Ostarine MK2866 is safe to take if used properly. Misusing this drug can still cause side effects, associated with low T levels, high cholesterol, liver toxicity, or cardiovascular issues. Still, most healthy adults using MK2866 report good results when using it correctly.

Does MK-2866 need PCT?

Yes, MK-2866 is a SARM that may be milder than numerous others, meaning that it will not suppress natural testosterone production as much as stronger SARMs or anabolic steroids. Still, MK-2866 may still suppress natural testosterone production, especially when longer cycles and/or higher doses are involved. That’s why a PCT is still likely going to be needed with the help of Clomid (clomiphene citrate) and/or Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate).

How long should you take MK-2866?

The recommended MK-2866 cycle length is 6-8 weeks. Nonetheless, some people take it to the next level and use it for 12 weeks, which is the absolute maximum you should run it for. Anything longer than that significantly increases the risks of side effects, especially when it comes to testosterone suppression, cholesterol and cardiovascular issues, liver toxicity, and others. Dosage is ranging between 10 to 30 mg a day. I recommend starting with a lower dosage and then gradually increasing it if necessary. I also recommend having a break between cycles of at least 4 to 6 weeks (or longer) to allow your body and organs to recover from the previous cycle.

What are the benefits of MK-2866?

According to studies and anecdotal reports of people who already used MK-2866 (Ostarine), this SARM is highly effective at preserving lean muscle mass during periods of low calorie diets (for cutting cycles) while also helping lose body fat. Or it may be helpful to gain lean muscle mass in bulking cycles while minimizing fat addition. MK-2866 may also increase endurance, strength, and overall physical performance, reducing recovery time and boosting stamina and energy. In short, Ostarine seems to provide numerous benefits for physique and performance enhancement. Another benefit is that this product does not produce as nasty side effects as other SARMs or especially anabolic steroids.

Should I take Ostarine (MK2866) everyday?

Ostarine (MK2866) is a SARM with a half-life of 24 hours. This means that using once a day, every day throughout the cycle, at the same time of the day should be enough. Some people still decide to split the daily dosage into morning and evening administration in order to ensure maximum stable level in blood (and therefore maximum results). Using it less frequently than once a day will not maintain stable levels of this compound in your blood system.

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