S-23 FAQ

What is S-23?

S-23 is a research chemical known as a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). This compound mimics the activity of testosterone in the body. It was developed by GTX, Inc. as a potential male hormonal contraceptive. Similar to other SARMs, it binds to the androgen receptors in a selective manner, however, it binds more strongly than others according to studies. Research suggests that it exhibits a good ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects, leading to a dose-dependent suppression of spermatogenesis with a fast recovery after cessation of treatment. Besides, S-23 increases energy, improves athletic performance, increases strength and muscle growth, and aids fat burning. For all these reasons, S-23 SARM is popular among athletes and bodybuilders and that’s why it is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and other anti-doping agencies.

What is S23 a steroid?

S23 is a non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modular (SARM). This is not an anabolic steroid, although it mimics the effects of testosterone. That is because it binds to androgen receptors similarly to testosterone, activating their effects, but S23 selectively binds to androgen receptors.

What is the drug S23 used for?

S-23 is studied as a drug that could work as a male contraceptive. Besides, S23 is used by athletes and bodybuilders for its effects to increase energy, stamina, endurance, and strength, improving overall athletic performance. Moreover, it helps increase muscle growth and decrease body fat and recovery time post-workout. Therefore, a lot of people use S23 for their bulking cycles to grow muscle, gain strength, boost their performance, and improve their physiques. Also, it is used as a research drug.

Is S-23 the strongest SARM?

S-23 is thought to be the strongest SARM available on the market. According to research and people who experimented with S-23 SARM and other SARMs, it is more powerful than other popular SARMs such as Ligandrol (LGD-4033), Ostarine (MK-2866), Andarine (S-4), and Testolone (RAD-140). So, yes, S-23 does seem to be the strongest SARM out there. That’s why it is not a product for beginners, better start with milder SARMs first.

S23-photoWhat does S23 do to the body?

S23 will bind to androgen receptors in the body in a selective manner. It binds to androgen receptors in specific tissues, promoting muscle and bone growth by activating their activity. These compounds provide anabolic properties with reduced androgenic properties. So, since S-23 binds to androgen receptors activating their activity, it leads to various effects such as protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and others, all of which help you gain muscle and strength more easily and faster. S-23 will make you grow lean muscle mass easier and faster while reducing post-workout recovery times, helping burn fat, and boosting athletic performance such as improving strength, endurance, stamina, and energy levels.


What is S-23 SARM used for?

S-23 is used for increasing athletic performance. It helps users with their bulking goals by helping them gain lean muscle and strength faster and more efficiently. S-23 SARM helps increase energy, athletic performance, strength, endurance, stamina, and energy. At the same time, it reduces recovery times and body fat. It is mostly used for bulking needs but also can be effective for cutting purposes. It is used for research purposes and may be used as a male contraceptive too.

Is S-23 for bulking or cutting?

S23 is a SARM that is highly effective at promoting lean muscle mass and for this reason, is highly effective for bulking needs. Nonetheless, it does have the ability to promote fat loss, which is why it can be used for cutting needs too. It enhances protein synthesis a lot, leading to increased muscle hypertrophy and strength. That’s why users report huge gains in muscle density and improved physical performance. That’s why S23 is mostly a bulking SARM. Still, some people choose to use it for cutting, to help them preserve lean muscle tissues during low calorie diets, boosting their metabolisms, and allowing them to burn fat more efficiently.

Is S-23 strong?

Yes, the S23 is considered a very strong SARM. In fact, many consider S-23 to be the strongest SARM out there, so you should be careful with it. I wouldn’t recommend it to beginners.

Is S-23 a male contraceptive?

According to studies, S23 SARM is an effective and reversible agent for hormonal male contraception in rats. Studies suggest that S-23 can work effectively as a male contraceptive. It seems that it provides the suppression of spermatogenesis in a dose-dependent manner, with spontaneous recovery after cessation of treatment.

Is the S23 good or bad?

S-23 is not a good or bad SARM. It can be good or it can be bad, depending on how you use it, and how your body responds to it. Some people report awesome results on it, but others do not really love the way it works for them. You would need to use it to decide whether it works well for you or not.

Can you stack RAD140 with S-23?

Yes, you can stack RAD140 with S23 SARM, but I only recommend it for professionals. Both are powerful SARMs and stacking them together may cause side effects, including serious testosterone suppression. You can stack them, but if you do, be very careful. I also recommend doing it only if you previously had experience with both of them separately.

How long does the S23 last?

S-23 SARM has a half-life of about 12 hours, this means that it would stay active (last) no more than one day. It takes, however, 4-5 half lives (about 3 days) to fully flush out of the system. Yet, it remains detectable on anti-doping tests for longer.

What are the disadvantages of S23?

S23 is a very powerful SARM, which provides a lot of advantages when it comes to growing lean muscle mass and gaining strength and endurance very fast. However, being so powerful it can also cause side effects. Its huge potency may be a disadvantage for beginners as they may struggle to control the side effects due to its huge potency. It has a powerful suppressive effect on natural testosterone. Moreover, it can work as a male contraceptive. This could be an advantage for some people but could be a disadvantage for others.

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