Cardarine FAQ

What is Cardarine?

Cardarine is a type of chemical known as a metabolic modulator (a PPARδ receptor agonist), meaning that it changes how the body metabolizes and uses fat for energy. Due to this change in metabolism, Cardarine will promote weight loss and enhance energy (and endurance) boosting sports performance. Cardarine is the most popular brand name of this chemical, which is known by its code name GW-501516 which was invented in the 1990s by Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline. Considering that Cardarine (GW501516) helps improve athletic performance and aids weight loss with fat-burning effects, this research drug is banned in professional sports by anti-doping agencies such as WADA, USADA, and others.

cardarineWhere to buy Cardarine?

You can effortlessly buy Cardarine for sale directly from! We work with the best manufacturers on the market, meaning that you make sure to buy the best Cardarine quality. At you will buy Cardarine (GW-501516) of the best quality and purity, ensuring it will work exactly as it should. Moreover, you save money when purchasing this quality product from our site. There are also many other advantages such as cycle advice, friendly customer support, fast shipping, promos, and deals among numerous other benefits.

Is Cardarine safe?

Yes, research suggests that Cardarine is safe to use as long as it is done in the correct dosages and cycle lengths. The use of Cardarine (GW-501516) may not be safe if used in abusive (huge) dosages and/or prolonged cycle lengths. The research was stopped because the use of GW501516 was linked with cancer risk. That’s why many people wonder if Cardarine is safe. However, research proves that GW501516 does not increase the risk of cancer in lower doses and cycle lengths. Research suggests that Cardarine increases the risk of cancer when used in doses of higher than 50 mg/day for a period of one year or longer. Studies fail to prove that dosages lower than 30 mg/day can increase the risk of cancer. The recommended total daily Cardarine dosage is 10-20 mg/day, a maximum of 30 mg/day for a period of 6-8 weeks (absolute maximum 12 weeks).

How long does Cardarine take to work?

Cardarine (GW 501516) has a half-life of approximately 24 hours meaning that you may start feeling it working after at least 3-4 days of use. However, it takes at least one week of continuous use for it to work. Still, one week is not enough for GW501516 to take full effect. It takes approximately 2-4 weeks (in combination with a weight loss diet and enough cardio) for GW501516 to provide full effects and work as you expect it to. Keep in mind that visible impact (noticeable results and effects) can vary depending on the dosage, personal response to it, your diet, exercise routine, and others.

What does Cardarine do?

Cardarine will selectively bind to particular receptors (PPAR) working as an agonist (mimicking their action). This basically means that Cardarine (GW501516) will make particular receptors in your body work harder, which has the power to reverse metabolic issues in obese and pre-diabetic individuals. But it can also help healthy individuals. By stimulating those receptors, it stimulates fatty acid oxidation, meaning that the body will literally burn fat deposits faster, to provide more energy. That’s why most people experience a boost in energy, stamina, and endurance, helping them burn fat and increase glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue. It changes the body’s metabolism (boosts it) to burn fat for energy.

Is Cardarine a SARM?

No, Cardarine (GW-501516) is not a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). While it is often referred to as a SARM, it is not. This is a synthetic compound that also selectively binds to particular receptors in the body, working as modulators (agonists), but it doesn’t bind to androgen receptors. That’s why Cardarine is often classified as a SARM, but in reality, it belongs to a class of drugs called Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) agonists.

When to take Cardarine?

The best time to take Cardarine is at a consistent (same) time of the day, every day. The half-life of GW 501516 is around 12 to 24 hours, meaning that you could use it once a day, every day, same hour of the day, or you could split the daily dosage into morning and night administration (one half of the daily dosage every 12 hours or so). You may take GW 501516 with or without food. Some people attempt to take Cardarine 60 minutes or so before their workout, attempting to keep its levels at peak, for maximum energy boost for their training session.

How much Cardarine per day?

Normal Cardarine dosage per day is 10 mg to 20 mg a day. While some use 30 mg a day, this is the maximum daily dosage I can recommend. Higher doses of Cardarine per day are not unheard of. But I strongly recommend against using higher doses than 30 mg/day. Anything between 10 mg up to 20 mg a day is safe and it is effective enough for anyone. The dosage is pretty much the same for both men and women and for both endurance and fat loss goals. I recommend starting with the lower range of 10 mg/day and increasing to 20 mg/day only if necessary and tolerating it well, no sooner than 4 weeks into the cycle. Cycle length is 8 weeks (shorter if experiencing side effects). The maximum cycle length is 12 weeks.


How to take Cardarine?

Cardarine (GW501516) comes in the form of tablets/pills. You need to swallow them with a full glass of water. Use it with or without food (add food if you experience stomach upsets). It is important to take Cardarine at the same time every day to keep consistent levels of this drug, making it effective. May split daily dosage into two parts used in the morning and at night (such as every 12 hours). Take Cardarine wisely and responsibly. Do not abuse it (dosage or cycle length) and take the lowest effective dosage. Take GW 501516 only with a proper diet and workout plan as long as your goal is fat loss and/or endurance boost.

How does Cardarine work?

GW501516 (Cardarine) binds to Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs) and works as an agonist (boosts/mimics its effects). This helps stimulate the fatty acid oxidation. It basically helps boost metabolism, helping your body burn fat at a higher rate for energy. It will burn fat and increase glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue. As a result of faster metabolism (it boosts metabolism thanks to activating PPAR), the body burns fat for energy faster and focuses on burning fat instead of the muscle or carbohydrates that you eat. This is how it works for weight loss, fat burning, energy boost, stamina enhancement, and better endurance. Moreover, considering that PPARs are predominantly found in high-energy requiring tissues such as skeletal muscle, heart, liver, and brown adipose tissue, they also help enhance skeletal muscle, as well as reduce chances of heart issues and liver issues (aids heart and liver health).

Why was Cardarine banned?

Cardarine (GW501516) was banned because of its potential role as a metabolic modulator and performance enhancer. It is found in the list of banned substances controlled by anti-doping agencies such as USADA and WADA. It is banned in medical settings because of the link that research found between Cardarine and a higher rate of cancer risk. Nonetheless, the research proves that GW 501516 has no risk of cancer increase when abnormally high dosages and unusually long cycles are not involved. This means that it is safe to use GW501516. It was banned due to the risk of cancer, but WADA and USADA banned it due to it being highly effective for weight loss, fat burning, and performance enhancement (boost in stamina, energy, and endurance).

Can Cardarine build muscle?

While Cardarine does not seem to help build muscle directly (as it has no anabolic activity), it does seem that GW-501516 may assist your goal of building muscle. Its ability to enhance fat utilization, boost recovery, and preserve lean muscle mass (due to a large amount of PPAR being in skeletal muscle) can help users train harder, longer, and more often, leading to more muscle growth.

Is Cardarine worth it?

Yes, according to most scientific evidence and most people who already experimented with Cardarine (GW501516), this research drug is worth it. It seems to be safe too. While risks of side effects cannot be excluded and while some may experience individual (usually tolerable) side effects, most people report little to no side effects, but outstanding results in terms of athletic and bodybuilding needs. GW 501516 significantly helps with physique and performance enhancement, having high success among people who use it for weight loss, diabetes, improved athletic performance, and other fitness uses.

How safe is Cardarine?

Generally, Cardarine seems to be a safe compound. It provides almost no side effects for most people using it. The only negative side effect worth mentioning is the link between GW501516 associated with higher risk of cancer. However, research suggests that you need to abuse Cardarine to increase the risk of cancer, while it remains safe in lower dosages. You would need to use it in doses higher than 50 mg/day for over a year to increase the risk of cancer. The recommended dosage is 10-20 mg/day for 8 weeks. This way it remains safe for everyone, with almost no side effects or risks.

Is Cardarine an anabolic steroid?

Cardarine is not an anabolic steroid in any way or form. GW501516 works on the PPAR pathway, as a PPAR Receptor Agonist. It does not bind to androgen receptors and it doesn’t boost your anabolic/androgenic hormones. It is not anabolic in any way, meaning that it has no influence on your hormonal balance. That’s why there’s no need to have a PCT (post cycle therapy) after a Cardarine cycle (unless you stacked it with suppressive drugs).

Is Cardarine legal?

Yes, Cardarine (GW-501516) is perfectly legal to buy, sell, possess, and use as a research drug.

How long can I take Cardarine?

The risk of Cardarine causing cancer comes particularly from long-term use (and larger doses). That’s why it is best to avoid long cycles (and abusive dosages). I would recommend staying within the 10-20 mg/day range. The cycle length can vary between 4 to 8 weeks. Rarely less than 4 weeks (unless experiencing side effects) and usually 8 weeks. Some people decide to run it for longer in rare circumstances. Commonly for users looking for endurance and fat loss goals. But that’s up to 12 weeks, which is the maximum that I recommend. I think that anything over 14 weeks is already increasing the risks of issues. So, your absolute maximum cycle length should be 14 weeks.

What to stack with Cardarine?

An effective stack for muscle definition, getting shredded, losing weight, and burning fat is Cardarine (GW501516) with Ostarine (MK2866). Especially for beginners. A more advanced stack is GW501516 with Stenabolic (SR9009) and with either Ostarine (for beginners) or Ligandrol (LGD-4033) for more advanced users. Cardarine burns fat, Stenabolic enhances endurance, and Ligandrol preserves muscle mass and strength. All these combined maximize fat loss, maintain muscle mass, and improve overall performance.

When should I see results from Cardarine?

You may start feeling GW501516 within 3-4 days of use, the first results within 1-2 weeks, while start noticing visible results and effects after about 2-4 weeks. However, you will start seeing results from Cardarine only when in combination with a proper diet and workout plan. You need a calorie-deficit diet and lots of cardio and strength training sessions to notice fat-burning and weight-loss results. The visible impact greatly depends on your diet, workout routine as well as individual response to it.

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