Andarine FAQ

What is Andarine?

Andarine is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that was created by GTX, Inc. for the treatment of various health conditions such as muscle wasting, benign prostatic hypertrophy, osteoporosis, and others. Andarine is the most popular brand name, but it is also known by other names such as GTx-007, Androxolutamide, and most popular: S-4. Moreover, Andarine S4 is a SARM using the nonsteroidal antiandrogen bicalutamide as a lead compound. It binds to proteins in the body known as androgen receptors. When it does so, it enhances their activity. It mostly binds to androgen receptors in the muscles and bones. This is an investigational (research) that has not yet been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). S4 is a more powerful version of Ostarine (MK-2866 aka enobosarm), being structurally related.

What is Andarine dosage?

The appropriate dose of Andarine depends on various factors, and it can vary quite a lot from one individual to another. It depends on the user’s age, health, goals, tolerance, gender, experience, and other factors. The Andarine dosage ranges between 20-100 mg a day, however, the standard dosage is anywhere between 25 mg up to 50 mg a day. I recommend beginners to start with 20-25 mg/day. Advanced users could run 50 mg/day and only with a lot of previous experience you can increase even higher up to 100 mg a day which is considered a huge dosage. Regardless of your daily dosage, it is best to split it into 2-3 parts a day to maintain stable levels in your system. So, if you run 50 mg/day, it is best to use 25 mg AM and 25 mg PM.


Where to buy Andarine S4 for sale?

You can easily and effortlessly buy Andarine S4 for sale directly from It is a quick process and you make sure you will get your product really fast while ensuring the best quality product for the best prices. At you can buy only quality SARMs, without the need to worry about quality while making sure you save money. There are lots of other advantages that you can enjoy when doing business with such as promos, friendly customer support, fast delivery, and so on. Use our site as your online marketplace for the best SARMs such as Andarine S4 for attractive prices!

Can you buy Andarine?

Yes, you can buy Andarine directly from without worrying about anything. We ensure the best quality product for very attractive prices. Moreover, you can buy Andarine online without breaking the law. You can buy Andarine as it is perfectly legal to buy, sell, possess, and use Andarine S4 SARM for research purposes.

Do I need PCT for Ostarine and Andarine?

Yes, you are very likely to need Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after running a cycle with Ostarine (MK2866) and Andarine (S4). In fact, you will likely need a PCT even if you run a cycle of Ostarine or Andarine alone without stacking them. But more so if you do stack them. It is because they are both suppressive to natural testosterone production, meaning that you may require a PCT to kickstart natural T production.

Do I PCT after Andarine cycle?

Yes, you need to prepare a PCT plan after the Andarine cycle with Nolvadex (tamoxifen) and/or Clomid (clomiphene) because Andarine S-4 is a SARM. This means that it can inhibit your body’s natural testosterone production. A PCT plan can help restore this ability.

Do you need estrogen blocker with Andarine?

No, you don’t need an estrogen blocker with Andarine (S-4) because SARMs do not convert into estrogen as traditional anabolic steroids do. This means that your serum (total) estrogen levels will not increase while running Andarine (at least, not from Andarine). That’s why there’s no need to use an estrogen blocker with Andarine S4 SARM.

Does Andarine suppress testosterone?

Yes, Andarine S4 is a SARM and as with any other SARM, it can suppress natural testosterone production. While SARMs are not as bad as steroids in terms of suppression rate, they can still lower your T levels. This is one of the reasons why you should be careful with SARMs such as Andarine, why you shouldn’t use them for too long, and why you better prepare a PCT plan after an Andarine cycle.

Does Andarine work?

Yes, Andarine (S-4) has been proven to work by research and people who experimented with it. Lots of anecdotal experiences suggest that Andarine works wonders for those who want to improve their athletic performance and physique. Research also shows that study participants manage to increase their total lean muscle mass with Andarine compared to placebo. Moreover, Andarine S4 seems to show promising effects for people suffering from health conditions such as involuntary weight loss in people who are ill (such as wasting syndrome or cachexia), osteoporosis, and prostate health. Andarine does work and helps athletes, bodybuilders, and gym-goers with their muscle growing, strength enhancing, and fat burning goals.

Does S4 Andarine lower HDL?

According to research, S4 Andarine does have the ability to lower high-density lipoproteins (HDL) also known as good cholesterol. While the effects do not seem to be drastic, this is something to consider. Especially if you’re already experiencing some cholesterol issues (such as already low HDL levels). This negative effect seems to be directly related to individual tolerance and dosage administered. Not everyone experiences it and those who do can easily control it with a proper diet and proper dosage.

What does Andarine do to the body?

Andarine is a SARM, meaning that it binds to particular androgen receptors in a selective manner. It mostly binds to androgen receptors in muscles and bones. After it binds to those receptors, it basically “signals” the muscles and bones in the body to grow. This is why Andarine S4 is a popular and effective SARM for physique and performance enhancement purposes.

Why is Andarine banned?

Andarine S4 is banned from professional sports by WADA, USADA, and other anti-doping agencies because it provides an obvious advantage in sports to athletes. More muscle mass, less fat, higher endurance, and getting stronger are just a few benefits that users can experience. Therefore, it was banned from professional sports. Not only that, but Andarine is not even yet approved by the FDA. While it comes with benefits, keep in mind that it may also cause side effects such as blurred and yellowish vision, especially at night, and vision flashes. That’s besides the all known ones such as negative effects on natural testosterone production and cholesterol.

Is Andarine liver toxic?

It is not fully clear whether Andarine is liver toxic or not. Nonetheless, some studies suggest that some SARMs such as Ostarine, Ligandrol, Testolone as well as Andarine may have a negative effect on the liver enzymes, thus, liver health. It seems that this effect is very individual, mostly depending on the dosage and cycle length. Moreover, other factors such as lifestyle choices, diet, etc. also play a role. To ensure that Andarine won’t damage your liver, make sure you’re not having any liver issues beforehand, then ensure you use the lowest effective dosage for short cycle lengths (no longer than 8 weeks).

Is S4 stronger than RAD140?

No, it seems that RAD140 (Testolone) is a stronger SARM than S4 (Andarine). Most research indicates that Andarine (S-4) is more potent than Ostarine (MK-2866), but not as strong as Testolone (RAD-140).

Is Andarine good for fat loss?

Andarine (S4) has the ability to improve your strength, endurance, energy, and stamina while helping you gain lean muscle mass and improving muscle hardening and overall density without the bloat. However, it does seem to have a great ability to aid fat loss too. So, yes, Andarine’s unique property of binding to the androgen receptors in adipose tissue makes it a great tool for the fat loss cycle.

Is S4 Andarine illegal?

No, it’s not. S4 Andarine SARM is perfectly legal to buy, sell, possess, and use for research purposes. You can buy it online for sale directly from ensure you do not break the law and get the best quality SARMs for the best prices on the market!

Is Andarine anabolic?

No, Andarine is not anabolic. Andarine is a SARM, and SARMs are listed in the category of “Other Anabolic Agents”. While it does promote anabolism (muscle growth), it is not an anabolic steroid.

Which is better, Ostarine or Andarine?

It is important to understand that there is no one compound overall better than the other. Some people may find Ostarine a better SARM for them, while others may find Andarine to be better. It depends on personal goals, tolerance to each compound, and so on. Ostarine and Andarine are structurally similar, providing similar results too. Nonetheless, the Andarine S4 seems to be more powerful than the Ostarine MK2866. While it may sound like a good thing as it may offer more results and benefits, being more powerful also means that it is likely to cause more side effects too. Moreover, they still remain two distinct products. To find which one is better particularly for you, you will need to use both and decide for yourself.

What is the half life of Andarine?

Andarine S4 is considered to have a really short half life of only about 4 hours. It is highly bioavailable and absorbed really fast (1-2 hours). This is the reason why it is best to split whatever daily dosage into multiple equal parts throughout the day, every day, and throughout the entire cycle length. It is also the reason why the PCT plan after stopping the use of Andarine starts 1-2 days after the last dosage (such as the next day).

Is Andarine S4 safe to take?

Yes, Andarine S4 is safe to take as long as you do it wisely and carefully. Abusing Andarine can lead to various health complications such as liver damage, heart issues, testicular shrinkage, infertility issues, and vision issues. Some of these side effects are possible to occur with proper use, but maintaining a proper dosage and cycle length will make it very possible and easy to completely avoid or control these side effects (making them bearable), ensuring you get rid of them as soon as you stop the use of Andarine S4. So, yes, Andarine S4 is safe to take, but only as long as you take it carefully and wisely. Do not abuse it under any circumstances to keep it safe.

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